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Writer °ü¸®ÀÚ Date 2020-12-01
Subject [Workshop] "Technology capability upgrade and sectoral catch-up(#2), December 3
Contents About the Workshops
This series of workshops explores the major issues related to the technology upgrading of emerging and catching up economies. Ultimately, technology upgrading is the precondition to improved standards of living of emerging economies as well as to sustainable development and the greening of the world economy. In a series of five workshops, we discuss the state-of-the-art understanding of the issues around technology upgrading and economic catch-up. We explore country, sector and firm-level issues based on a variety of country experiences; we examine the issues of technology upgrading in the context of inclusive development and green growth as well as policy issues that these processes entail.

The background for individual workshops are contributions in the forthcoming Oxford University Press volume "The Challenges of Technology and Economic Catch-Up in Emerging Economies" edited by Jeong-Dong Lee (Seoul National University), Keun Lee (Seoul National University), Dirk Meissner (Higher School of Economics - NRU), Slavo Radosevic (University College London), and Nicholas Vonortas (George Washington University/University of Campinas).

Online Workshop #2
"Technology capability upgrade and sectoral catch-up: what explains successes, failures and challenges?"

The workshop explores why technology upgrading is a complex and historically contingent process where outcomes are dependent on a variety of mutually interrelated factors whose consequences are far from certain. Strategic intent may not suffice unless there is a required level of technological capabilities complemented by the robust mechanism for rapid technological transfer. How can we explain failures in the cases of with strong market and institutional ¡®windows of opportunity¡¯? In other cases, technological capability and even forging ahead may emerge as a bottom-up strategic response to changing ¡®windows of opportunity¡¯ which employ a variety of technology acquisition mechanisms. How do we explain unexpected success stories of technology upgrading in emerging economies? Furthermore, technology accumulation strategies fit for ¡®catching up¡¯ stages may not suffice for post-catching stages which require a new level and quality of capabilities which go beyond technology capabilities. What are lessons from the cases of post-catchup failures?

Those are some of the questions we will be dealing with on December 3.

Presentation topics

•¡°Macro and Micro Foundations for Technology Upgrading and Innovation: The Case of Shipbuilding and Offshore Industry Missed Window of Opportunity in Brazil¡±¡±

André Cherubini Alves (Professor of Innovation at São Paulo School of Business Administration - Getulio Vargas Foundation)

Nicholas Vonortas (Professor of Economics and International Affairs at The George Washington University in Washington D.C; Principal Investigator at InSySPo/Department of Science and Technology Policy, University of Campinas)

Paulo Zawislak (Professor at the Management School, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul)

•¡°Technology Upgrading in Natural Resource-Intensive Industries: Evidence from the Brazilian Mining Industry¡±
Paulo Figueiredo (Professor of Technology and Innovation Management at the Brazilian School of Public and Business Administration - Getulio Vargas Foundation)

Janaina Piana (Professor at the Business Department, Federal University of Technology - Paraná)

•¡°Upgrading Non-technological Capabilities: Evidence From Korean Firms¡±
Jae Yong Choung (Professor at the College of Business, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology in the fields of Science and Technology Policy, and Innovation management)

Hye-Ran Hwang (Department of Industrial Innovation at the Daejeon Development Institute)

Co-Organized by:

Institute for International Science and Technology Policy (George Washington University)
InSysPo - Innovation Systems, Strategies and Policy (Department of Science and Technology Policy - University of Campinas)
UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies - University College London
Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge (National Research University/Higher School of Economics)
Seoul National University

Free registration(https://www.eventbrite.com/e/technology-capability-upgrade-and-sectoral-catch-up-2-tickets-126922634015?aff=odeimcmailchimp&mc_cid=464b91a630&mc_eid=7be854a78e)
Registration is required in order to receive an invitation email with Zoom/Youtube links for the meeting!

The Challenges of Technology and Economic Catch-Up in Emerging Economies (Online Workshop #2)

[[FULL VIDEO]] First Workshop: "Technology Capability and Growth Performance at the Country Level" (November 4, 2020)
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NGTkFG4RhKY&feature=youtu.be&mc_cid=464b91a630&mc_eid=7be854a78e

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