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Writer °ü¸®ÀÚ Date 2020-12-15
Subject [Call for Papers ][CatChain] Special Issue - Technological Forecasting and Socia
l Change
Contents Call for Papers

Title: Global Value Chains and Regional Systems of Innovation: Towards a Critical Juncture?

Short title (VSI): GVCs & RIS

Guest Editors:
•Ron Boschma - University of Utrecht, Urban and Regional Research Centre (Netherlands)
•Bruno Fischer – School of Applied Science and Department of Science and Technology Policy, University of Campinas (Brazil)
•Dirk Meissner - Managing Guest Editor - National Research University Higher School of Economics (Russia)
•Nicholas Vonortas – George Washington University (United States)

Background and Motivations:
The world is in turbulence caused by several events occurring simultaneously. Among these events the COVID-19 has evolved into a global health crisis that – considering the levels of global socioeconomic integration - is unprecedented in modern history (past 100 years), leading governments to take drastic measures which impact social life but also economy and global value chains (Kuckertz, 2020).

While the main economic consequences are yet to be seen, the Corona crisis is expected to lead to a widespread economic turmoil that will hit hard many countries and regions worldwide (Donthu & Gustafsson, 2020). Scholars have argued about the surging of a phase of de-globalization in which Global Value Chains are being transformed and restructured (Lee et al., 2020; Sharma et al., 2020; Petricevic and Teece, 2019). This happens amidst increasing trade tensions between the US, Europe and China that already started before the COVID-19 pandemic but which have been accelerating since then (Evenett, 2020). On top of that, accelerating shifts associated with Industry 4.0 are also shaping the reorganization of the global economy (Strange & Zuchella, 2017; Schwab, 2016).

From a complementary perspective, innovative activities also rely on local hotspots of technological capabilities, i.e., ecosystems that connect myriad agents to create efficient knowledge networks. This double-sided feature of productive structures (global and local) towards innovation (WIPO, 2019) generates dense interactions – a pivotal element of competitiveness at the micro, meso and macro-levels. Notwithstanding, prospective trends of disruption represent substantial risks for relationships involving organizations and innovation systems (Oldekop et al., 2020).

Following this background, there is massive uncertainty in how countries, regions, firms and individuals will respond to multifaceted crises and productive rearrangements, which ones will be more resilient and better capable of adapting than others, and why that will be the case. Considering the pivotal role played by GVCs in shaping and integrating technological capabilities at the micro, meso and macro-levels worldwide (Ge et al., 2018; Kergroach, 2019; Yoruk, 2019), understanding these conditions becomes key to properly address how economic and innovation systems will absorb impacts associated with these events (Mitroff, 2020).

This special issue will focus on the interaction of the ¡°local¡± and the ¡°global¡± in the context of a rapidly changing international environment as described above. In particular, we call for theoretical and empirical papers that deal with the changing nature of international production and local adaptation. We welcome papers addressing the following topics, among others:

•GVC and local ecosystems of innovation
•GVC and network (resilience)
•GVC and technology upgrading
•GVC and institutional leadership
•GVC and regional innovation policy

We particularly encourage empirical work that can offer a multifaceted perspective on the phenomena of interest. Research papers based on sound quantitative and qualitative analyses are welcome.

Important dates:
The timeline of this special issue is as follows:
•Submission dates: March 1st, 2021 — July 1st, 2021
•Review process: On a rolling basis from March to August 2021
•Selected papers will be presented at a workshop on this topic in Moscow in October 2021
•Papers revisions are due January 31, 2022
•Expected Publication late 2022

For further information: https://www.journals.elsevier.com/technological-forecasting-and-social-change/call-for-papers/global-value-chains-and-regional-systems-of-innovation?fbclid=IwAR2s7pRvwE0wMvck7G1S6B3eKbOusDo-54VRYOiOdG1bGAzuePRwZN2khf8

Kind regards,
Roberto Mavilia