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Writer °ü¸®ÀÚ Date 2021-06-08
Subject [Call for Papers]CfP - Comparative Analysis of Enterprise Data (CAED) Conference
Contents CAED 2021 --- Call for Papers
The ENtRY Project and the CeBER are proud to host:

Comparative Analysis of Enterprise Data (CAED) Conference

Conference Dates: November 19-21, 2021
Location: Faculty of Economics, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal
Keynote Speakers: Nicholas Bloom (Stanford University) and John T. Addison (University of South Carolina)

We are pleased to invite you to participate in the 17th Comparative Analysis of Enterprise Data (CAED) Conference 19-21 November 2021, that it will be held at the Faculty of Economics, University of Coimbra, Portugal.
The CAED promotes comparative research using enterprise microdata on a variety of topics and from different (and inter) disciplinary approaches. The conference is a unique meeting point for producers and users of these data, including statisticians, survey methodologists, data scientists, econometricians, economists, business researchers, and sociologists and other social scientists. It is also an opportunity for policymakers to acquaint themselves with the newest research results and policy evidence and evaluation in this rapidly expanding field.

Scientific Committee:
Paulino Teixeira, University of Coimbra
Eric Bartelsman, Vrije Universiteit (VU) Amsterdam
Mark Roberts, Pennsylvania State University
John T. Addison, University of South Carolina
Shawn D. Klimek, US Census Bureau
Carlos Carreira, University of Coimbra
Chiara Criscuolo, OECD
Dirk Czarnitzki, KU Leuven
Peter N. Gal, OECD
Paulo Guimarães, Bank of Portugal
Yoonsoo Lee, Sogang University
Shaun McRae, Mexico Autonomous Institute of Technology (ITAM)
Hannah Rubinton, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Dominic Smith, US Bureau of Labor Statistics
Kensuke Teshima, Hitotsubashi University
Andre Trindade, Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV)
Hongsong Zhang, University of Hong Kong
Nikolas Zolas, US Census Bureau
Submit: Either a full paper with an abstract of 400-600 words or an extended abstract of 800-1600 words, including sufficient description of the data used in the analysis and key results. Include title, authors, affiliations, and the email address of the corresponding author.

Access on the following link to submit your article on: http://editorialexpress.com/conference/CAED2021.

Save the following dates:
Deadline for paper submission: September 10, 2021
Confirmation of the acceptance on the October 1. All Authors chosen to present papers at this conference will be notified.
More information is available on: https://www.uc.pt/en/uid/ceber/CAED2021

We would appreciate if you could advertise the Comparative Analysis of Enterprise Data (CAED) Conference through your contacts list.

For further questions please send your email to: caed2021@fe.uc.pt

We look forward to receive your submissions.

Carlos Carreira, Paulino Teixeira and Ernesto Nieto Carrillo
Local Organizing Committee