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2023-01-27 |
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[ 2023 EAEA CONFERENCE in Seoul, Korea] Oct 21/22 |
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2023 EAEA CONFERENCE in Seoul, Korea
The 18th International Convention of the East Asian Economic Association (EAEA) will be held on 21-22, October 2023 in Seoul National University (SNU), Seoul, Korea
The theme of the Convention is:
¡°Charting Inclusive Pathways for Innovation, Growth and Integration in Asia.¡±
The Program Committee Chaired by Professor Keun Lee of SNU is now issuing a call for papers related to the Convention theme and for papers on a wide range of economic issues. We consider all academic papers that are applied, empirical and policy-relevant in nature and related to Asia. Theory papers that are relevant to the theme of the conference and can develop applied research will also be considered. Pure theory papers will not be considered. Possible topics for session titles and papers include, but are not limited to, the following:
A. Economic Integration
B. Multinationals and the Global Economy
C. Economic Growth and Income Disparity
D. Globalization and Imbalances
E. Green Growth and Sustainable Development
F. The Economics of Disasters and Health Crises
G. The Korean Economy
H. The Economics Profession and Teaching
I. Exchange Rates and Currency Crises
J. Financial Institutions and Markets
K. Firm Behavior
L. Food and Agricultural Policy
M. Growth and Productivity
N. Household Behavior
O. International Trade and Trade Policy
P. International Investment and Capital Flows
Q. Supply Chains
R. Institutions and Economic Growth and Development
S. Labor and Human Resource Economics
T. Macroeconomic Management
U. Natural Resource and Environmental Economics
V. Poverty and Income Distribution
W. The Public Sector
X. Sectoral Studies including services
Y. Technology and Innovation
Z. East Asian Model of Development
Authors who wish to present a paper at the Convention should submit an abstract of the proposed paper not exceeding 200 words to the conference website (https://editorialexpress.com/conference/EAEA2023/). Women and younger scholars are particularly encouraged to submit proposals. Please indicate the session(s) you think your paper would appropriate for by listing up to three sessions at the bottom of the abstract. Abstracts should be submitted in MS-Word format using English Language, Times New Roman fonts.
Participants can only be the corresponding and presenting author for a maximum of one submission.
All paper presenters must also serve as discussant for one paper to be assigned by the Committee. Correspondingly, all participants are expected to attend both days.
In addition to individual paper writers, we welcome session organizers. Session organizers are responsible for providing a title and description of the scope of their session, inviting speakers and discussants to participate in the session. The contact address for this category is: Dr. Raeyoon Kang at eaea2023seoul@gmail.com. The deadline to submit abstracts, the scope of their session and a list of participants is 30, April 2023.
The Program Committee will evaluate abstracts of proposed papers for the Convention. Evaluation of submissions will be based primarily on the quality of the economic analysis indicated in the abstracts, but also on the appropriateness of the proposed paper for the Convention. Authors will be informed of the results of this evaluation by 15, May 2023.
The deadline for submission of full papers selected for presentation is 31 August 2023. Detailed instructions will be distributed to authors whose papers have been chosen for the Convention. Papers must follow the style and format used in the Asian Economic Journal; see the instructions at https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/page/journal/14678381/homepage/forauthors.html. It should not exceed 30 double-spaced A4 pages or 8000 words using 12 point font. Papers should be submitted in MS-Word format using English Language, Times New Roman fonts to the Program Committee via the submission portal at the EAEA18 Convention website https://editorialexpress.com/conference/EAEA2023/.
All the participants are required to register and attend both days of the Conference. Additional information will be made available at the EAEA website: www.eaeaweb.com and the EAEA18 Convention website (https://editorialexpress.com/conference/EAEA2023/).
For all queries pertaining to the Conference, please email Dr. Raeyoon Kang (Assistant Program Chair, Seoul National University) at eaea2023seoul@gmail.com.
Abstract submission open: 21, October 2022
Abstract submission due: 30, April 2023
Session proposal deadline: 30, April 2023
Notification of abstract acceptance: 15 May 2023
Full paper submission due: 31 August 2023
Paper presenter registration due: 31 August 2023
Convention dates: 21-22 October 2023
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