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  Home > Seminar/Gallery > Seminar
Writer °ü¸®ÀÚ Date 2008-11-03
Subject Globelics / Asialics / Cicalics Conference
Contents Globelics--Global Network of Economics of Learning, Innovation, and Competence Building--is an international research organization focusing on the economic development and innovation. It was established as a worldwide network of scholars in which Lundvall, the distinguished economist from Denmark, played a key role. More than 500 scholars from all over the world have participated in each of its annual conference.
Prof. Keun Lee has been an active participant Globelics' annual conference during the last five years; in Beijing in 2004, in South Africa in 2005, in India in 2006, in Russia in 2007, and in Mexico in September 2008. He has presented papers on ¡°Assessment of China's economic catch-up in a comparative perspective" in Russia, and "From the Washington Consensus to the BeST Consensus: A new path for sustained economic growth" in Mexico. Others include Senegal (2009), Malaysia (2010), and Argentina (2011).
Prof. Keun Lee is a key player in Asialics, a network of Asian scholars, practitioners and policy-makers, studying learning, innovation, and competence building in Asia. Ever since his first Asialics presentation in 2005, he has been pointing out important aspects of the growth pattern in Asian economy. He presented papers in the Asialics conference in Malaysia in 2007, and in Bangalore, India in 2008. His topic in Bangalore was ¡°Capability and Competence of the Samsung Group: Created in Korea, Replicated in China." Other meeting include Hong Kong in 2009, and Taipei in 2010 and Vietnam (2011)..
Prof. Lee is an active participant of Cicalics, an organization, mainly of Chinese scholars, focusing on the issues of development and innovation in China. The organization launches an annual conference of established scholars as well as a well-defined Ph.D training program each year. Prof. Lee has presented his articles in the conferences and has sent his Ph.D students to the training programs. Ji Sun Lee in 2006 and Yoon-zi in 2007 participated in the training program held in Beijing Tsinghua University.